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Hoping the Neighborhood
Thursday June 10th 2010, 3:24 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

We have been taking our daily walks but Noah still has to lay down and rest before we get back home. Holding steady at halfway around the block. The neighbors are defiantly ย getting used to seeing us. I like to think his happy face brightens everyones day.

One sign of progress is Noah has started doing his happy dance again. At certain times when he’s really happy and excited he used to bounce back and forth on his front paws. Now he’s figured out how to do it with one paw. It’s so great to see him bounce up and down, wagging his tail, and giving me the “Noah Smile”.

6 Comments so far

Hooray for the happy dance! ๐Ÿ™‚

   admin on 06.10.10 @ 3:32 pm    

Aw. A Noah smile.
We love happy dances too!

   Carmen (Catie's Mom) on 06.10.10 @ 4:59 pm    

so glad to hear noah is falling back into his ‘noah routine’. isn’t it amazing how a wag or a smile can send us ‘sisters’ over the edge.

charon & gayle

   etgayle on 06.10.10 @ 8:10 pm    

Nice to read!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ The little things that come back to show you it’s the ‘old’ Noah returning!! Yay! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

   maggie on 06.10.10 @ 8:20 pm    

That is so good to hear! Today Daisy jumped up on her hind legs to greet me by pawing at me with her front leg, and that was the first time in quite a while. I was so excited!

   Daisy on 06.10.10 @ 8:35 pm    

Noah, you’ll get your stamina and strength back soon. Slow and steady like the tortoise, you’ll get there!

   jerry on 06.10.10 @ 11:19 pm    

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